I think this verse really offers a reality check. A lot of times, I find it very easy to fall into the mindset that it is my life and so I should pray in the way that is best for me, meaning the way I feel closest to God, etc. But this verse makes me realize the reality that God is more powerful than I am. He truly is GOD and I am not. This verse discusses our prayers being pleasing to the Lord. How often do we think about how our prayer will please the Lord instead of how much we get out of it? I know when my life gets busy, I think less about what God would want and more about what is best for me at the moment. This goes for other things in our lives besides prayer though. It can be extremely easy to just think about what immediately feels good and less about what is truly the will of God. This week I challenge you to really seek to discover God's will. Before acting based on what is instantly most comfortable for you, take a moment to consider what God's will may be for you in that situation. Ask Him to reveal what He wants for you, and become a sacrifice pleasing to the Lord.
Here is a quote for this week from St. Francis de Sales:
"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset."
Have a wonderful week! You will be in my prayers. :) May God bless you abundantly!